Laser shaping of the gums

Laser design corrects excessive or uneven gum levels. The destist who performs cosmetic dentistry procedures  is the one who does the procedure. We enable patients with a so-called “Gummy Smile” with a painless gum lift. Gingival sculpting, also known as gingival contouring, is the process of reshaping the gum (gingival) tissue around your teeth.

A cosmetic dental treatment that can help reinvent your smile and improve your oral health, gingival sculpting involves a minimally invasive laser procedure to remove and re-sculpt uneven or excessive gingival tissue. Typically, however, soft tissue sculpting also requires bone recontouring that cannot be accomplished with a laser alone. The result is healthy and natural-looking gums for a vital, young-looking and attractive smile that adds to your confidence and appeal.

Gingival sculpting procedures can be performed for cosmetic reasons, as well as for oral health reasons such as poor dental hygiene. The latter can result in the formation of deep gum pockets due to improper tooth brushing and the accumulation of calculus and plaque. Common gingival esthetic problems that can be corrected with gingival sculpting include gummy smile (excessive gingival display), uneven (asymmetrical) gingival contours, the loss of papillae (small amounts of gum tissue between your teeth) and exposed root surfaces.

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Gingival sculpting also can help address esthetic concerns of teeth that appear “too small” or are unusually shaped. This may result when the surrounding gum tissue has grown down and over a large portion of the teeth, creating the illusion of small or crooked/oddly angled teeth. The gum contouring process removes and re-shapes the extra gum tissue to lift the gum line and reveal more teeth and/or even out the gum line for enhanced symmetry. This procedure removes extra gum tissue without leaving a deficit and only exposes the part of the tooth that is normally visible.

What Gingival Sculpting Involves?
Gingival sculpting is most commonly performed by periodontists and cosmetic dentists. The minor in-office gum contouring procedure typically requires only one visit of about an hour. After a local anesthetic is applied to the gums, a soft tissue laser is used to trim away, re-contour and seal the excess gum tissue. There is only minor discomfort and no bleeding or stitches are involved.

Gingival Sculpting Consultation and Treatment Planning
ŽThe fine points of your gingival sculpting consultation and subsequent treatment planning depends on the condition of your gums and your sculpting objectives.
For example, during a regular checkup, your dentist may notice that the gingival tissues surrounding your teeth are receding or excessive. If this is the case, your gingival sculpting consultation may include a discussion of gingival tissue regeneration in order to prevent, correct or stop periodontal disease. Your dentist may suggest multiple treatment options, such as flap surgery, bone grafts, tissue grafts, gingival colored composite build-up or tissue stimulation.

If you are planning a cosmetic dental procedure such as veneers or a smile makeover, your dentist may advise you that the appearance of your gum line is uneven, or that you have too much gum tissue (gummy smile). If gum tissue reduction is necessary, your dentist may discuss laser treatments to remove the excess gum tissue — which require little or. no healing time.

In general, it is not uncommon to experience minor swelling and discomfort after the gingival sculpting procedure.
To relieve pain and, if necessary, prevent infection, your dentist may prescribe medications to be taken as directed.
Gingival sculpting is safe, fast and virtually painless. You can continue your normal activities right after treatment, and the results are permanent.
The laser gingival sculpting procedure — which seals and sterilizes the treatment area — significantly reduces your chance of infection, minimizes inflammation and promotes fast healing. Lasers also provide greater precision, protecting the surrounding tissue from damage during the procedure.