Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth usually outgrow  easily, but as it often happens there is not enough space for them in one’s mouth. In this case, because wisdom teeth put pressure on your outgrown teeth, you may experience pain or discomfort. When we examine your teeth, the X-ray images help us to accurately determine the outhgroth path of your wisdom teeth and whether it is necessary to remove them. In case we need to remove  your wisdom tooth, you will receive a local anesthetic.

Wisdom tooth removal
Reasons for wisdom tooth removal
The wisdom tooth cannot break through the gum for some reason.
Bacteria proliferate and cause inflammation underneath the gum lobe that covers a partially emerged wisdom tooth.
The tooth breaks through in the wrong direction.
A wisdom tooth that breaks through the gum in the wrong direction damages the neighbouring tooth.
A wisdom tooth is removed under local anaesthesia, usually in the same manner as any other bad tooth. However, it is possible that the tooth can only be extracted in several pieces; suturing the wound may also be necessary.
What to do after wisdom tooth extraction
Put ice on the area of the operation to decrease the swelling.
Do not wash out the brown, slimy material generated in the wound because it helps alleviate pain and heal the wound.
Do not eat or drink during the effect of the local anaesthesia.
Do not use a straw on the day of the operation; do not spit and do not rinse your mouth.
Do not drink coffee or tea for one day after the operation; do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, and avoid spicy food.
For one week after the operation, do not drink beer, raw milk, kefir or yoghurt.